
Mr. X | 조회 2179 | 추천 10
  • 2020.04.16
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
It's a political choice they have made. Obviously, they didn't give this too much thought as usual. I can't see a future where we're going on like this. It won't work, but we'll survive one way or another.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16462 Lim's second diary [1] Lim 1905
16461 Lim's first diary. [1] Lim 1927
16460 first daily !! [1] penguin 1898
16459 today [2] seohyeonsue 2246
16458 It is my first time to write diary in En... 커니박야바 2281
16457 what a living in a life HAH 2001
16456 today [3] 서현수 2213
16455 Blackface Mr. X 2489
16454 Shine brilliant sun [1] ㄱㅂㄱ 2375
16453 seohyeonsue [4] 서현수 2542
16452 english [1] 왕초보 2457
16451 hello [1] 영어왕초보 2264
16450 today seohyeonsue 2443
16449 hi everyone~ [4] SteaveLim 2566
16448 movie [2] 빡세 2558
16447 Ignorance or Arrogance? Mr. X 2366
16446 appearance [1] 빡세 2229
>> Disappointing Mr. X 2179
16444 anything 빡세 2081
16443 running 빡세 2173

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[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]


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