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벌써 988,113명이 구독 중입니다. 지금 바로 무료 신청하세요! 학습메일 신청하기

토익 무료 학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 실전 RC문제
Most of the passengers to Tokyo were ________ because of the turbulent flight.
(A) awkward
(B) irritable
(C) uninterested
(D) insightful
오늘의 실전 LC문제
The client meeting was postponed to Friday, wasn't it?
(A) That’s why we posted it.
(B) No, we have yet to meet him.
(C) The last I heard, yes.
오늘의 무료강의

[토익] 토익적중 예상특강

[토익] 토익 리딩 무료강의
토익 자유게시판
HOT 9월 7일 토익난이도 & 논란문제 총평강의로 종결! [103]
HOT 해커스영어 토익 온라인 멘토 [해길잡이] 대모집! [0]
영어·영어회화 무료학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 AP뉴스 받아쓰기
10대 미식축구 선수, 경기 도중 사망

지난달 미국 고등학교 10대 미식축구선수 6명이 사망하면서 미국 교내 미식 축구의 위험성에 대한 논란이 계속되고 있는데요. 미식축구는 몸싸움이 잦은 스포츠이니만큼 뇌진탕 및 기타 부상 위험이 많다고 알려져 있습니다. 잇따른 사망으로 10대들의 미식 축구의 안정성에 대한 우려의 목소리는 점점 높아지고 있습니다. 

오늘의 영어회화 학습
그것은 더 빠르고 더 편리하거든요.
It's quicker and more convenient.
오늘의 한 줄 명언
It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen.
오늘의 영자신문 읽기
Are Electric Vehicles the Way to a Greener Future?

Vehicles release a lot of greenhouse gases that significantly contribute to climate change. For this reason, more national governments and car manufacturers are embracing electric vehicles because of the perceived benefits that they have for the environment. Electric vehicles run on rechargeable batteries that come from mined raw materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel. Electric vehicles are considered better than hybrid and conventional vehicles. Many people believe that transitioning to electric vehicles should be a major strategy in fighting climate change. However, this belief is still highly debated even by experts. Supporters of electric vehicles say that thanks to not having an exhaust system, electric vehicles leave zero carbon footprints. This allows electric vehicles to help prevent climate change and reduce air pollution. Also, the production side of electric car batteries may still release significant amounts of carbon footprint. However, it is still clear that electric vehicles are the way to go because as far as the goal of reducing carbon emissions, they still do a better job overall. Finally, many large companies are now turning to the use of renewable energy sources and trying to lessen the environmental impacts of mining raw materials as they produce supplies for electric vehicle batteries. This makes electric cars more environment-friendly in all aspects starting from their production to their actual use on the road. Opponents of electric vehicles say that electric cars are not exactly environment-friendly. As the world transitions to electric vehicles, mining sectors get pressured to meet the demand for raw materials, pushing them to work harder. This leads to scarcer raw materials and an increase in the environmental impacts of mining such as erosion, formation of sinkholes, loss of biodiversity, and contamination of soil, groundwater, and surface water by chemicals used in the mining process. Moreover, electric cars may have lesser carbon emissions, but the process of producing them generates more carbon emissions than the production of conventional vehicles does. Also, the power sources that supply the energy of electric vehicle batteries are usually not carbon emission-free. This means that electric vehicles are only as eco-friendly as the source of their power supply. Finally, the method of disposal of electric vehicle batteries is also a major problem that needs to be carefully considered. Transitioning to electric vehicles means more batteries to be disposed which means more toxic chemicals are released, posing damage to humans and the environment.

오늘의 무료강의

[기초영어] 영어회화 10분의기적

[기초영어] 그래머게이트웨이 무료강의
영어왕초보 상담방
HOT AP뉴스 청취 수강료 50% 지원! [112]

영어가 고민이라면? 레벨테스트로 고민해결 go

자유 중고등 영어인강 무제한+교재제공 [37]

어느 책으로 공부해야 할지, 나에게 맞는 책은 무엇일지 고민이 많으시죠? ...

기초영어 수강신청
텝스 무료 학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 실전 텝스 풀기 학습
A: Let's go shopping this weekend.
B: I'd _____, but I'm rather broke right now.
오늘의 실전 텝스 어휘 학습
r 참조하도록 하다
오늘의 무료강의

[텝스] 텝스 적중예상특강

[텝스] 텝스 리딩 무료강의
텝스 자유게시판
HOT 해커스텝스 무료자료 모음집 [71]
자유 독해 문제 푸는 방식? [30]

독해잘치면 청해못치고 청해잘치면 독해못치고 ...

인강_텝스 0원소재
토스/오픽 무료 학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 실전 토익스피킹 학습
Where can I register for the class and how much does tuition cost?
오늘의 실전 오픽 학습
You stated in the questionnaire that you like riding bicycles. Can you tell me who taught you and how old you were at the time? Has your interest in bicycles changed with the passage of time, and in what way?
오늘의 무료강의

[스피킹] 토스 기출유형특강

[스피킹] 오픽 기출유형특강
스피킹&오픽 자유게시판
HOT 토스vs오픽, 나에게 맞는 시험은? [206]

"내 토익스피킹 점수 미리 예측해서, 단 1회 시험으로 졸업할 방법 없을까?!"

자유 첫 시험 레벨7 토스 졸업 후기! [29]

첫 시험 레벨7 토스 졸업 후기

공무원 무료 학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 공무원 어휘 학습
답: 정답1, 정답2
  • make a living
    1. ① 생계를 꾸리다
    2. ② ~에게 ~을 맡기다
    3. ③ 작업을 중단하다
    4. ④ 재산을 모으다
  • turn out
    1. ① 내정
    2. ② ~에 동의하다
    3. ③ ~인 것으로 드러나다
    4. ④ ~의 자질이 있는
오늘의 무료강의

[공무원] 공무원 문법 무료강의

[공무원] 공무원 독해 무료강의
오늘의 공무원 문법 풀기

1. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은?

Passenger pigeons ① have flown the skies of North America just one hundred years ago, and made up one-fourth of all the birds on that continent. But do you know why this species went from being abundant to becoming extinct? They settled ② in forested habitats that were being chopped down at a rapid pace, and ③ were considered ④ one of the tastiest birds.

○① ○② ○③ ○④

2. 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것은? 

① On his first day on the job, Jasper was nervous. Everyone looked so busy, and he felt like he was the only one who didn´t know what he was doing. ② Working at his desk, he noticed that the place was quiet, and when people conversed, it was in hushed tones. Thus, upon ③ entering to his cubicle, he made sure to do things quietly to avoid disturbing the workers ④ who were near his own workstation.

○① ○② ○③ ○④
공무원 자유게시판
HOT 합격시 300% 환급!9/7급 0원패스☞ [1]

점점 어려워지는 공무원영어! 2022년 합격 커리큘럼 설명듣고 공부하자!

자유2025년 9급 공무원 국어,영어 개편 확정 [0]

공무원0원패스처음듣고있습니다 0원패스연장은 어디에서어떻게하는건가요? ...

지텔프 무료 학습 콘텐츠
오늘의 실전 지텔프 문법
The HR department figured out a solution to manage Ms. Crawford’s workload in her absence. Until she returns from leave next month, Mr. Oakley _______ her duties as the head of accounting.
(A) has been handling
(B) has handled
(C) will be handling
(D) handles
오늘의 지텔프 어휘 학습
답: 정답1, 정답2
오늘의 무료강의

[지텔프] 지텔프 적중예상특강

[지텔프] 지텔프 유형별 무료강의
지텔프 자유게시판
HOT인강0원+교재제공!수강료 100%환급 [47]

지텔프 이론부터, 기출경향 분석까지!

HOT 2024년 지텔프 정기시험 일정 [15]

해커스지텔프 정답 실시간 확인 서비스 200% 이용하기!

지텔프 수강신청
본 메일은 2015년12월22일 확인한 결과 회원님께서 HackersTOEIC 이메일 수신에 동의를 하였기에 발송되었습니다.
(정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호 등에 관한 법률 시행령 제23조의2제 2항에 의거) 발신 전용으로 회신되지 않습니다.
문의사항은 help를 이용해주세요. [수신거부]

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