
텝스자료실 텝스학습에 유용한 자료들이 모여있는 텝스보물창고입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료의 등록은 자제해주세요.

해커스인강, 해커스텝스, 해커스텝스인강, 텝스인강, 텝스강의, 텝스인강환급

텝스 상황별 동의어

아오이유우 | 조회 6469 | 추천 3
  • 2011.05.02
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

[ TEPS 상황별 동의어 ]

1. 시간 / 요일/ 주/ 월/ 년  관련

every other day =every two days 이틀에 한번씩
daily, day-to-day =everyday 매일
bi-monthly 두 달에 한번씩
semi-monthly 한 달에 두 번
quarterly =every 3 months / every quarter 분기의(3개월에 한번 씩)
annually =every year / every year / yearly / once a year 매년의
the last day of June =June 30 6월 30일
after lunch today  =early this afternoon 이른 오후
the following day  =tomorrow 내일
ten years ago =a decade ago 10년 전
current =now
be open until 10 =close at 10 10시까지 영업
stay until 6 =leave at 6
before sunrise =early in the morning / daybreak / dawn 새벽, 동틀 녘
a week from today =in a week 일주일 뒤

2. 수량 관련

a few =a couple of, two, three
dozen =twelve
half a dozen =six
50 % =half
25 % =a quarter
100% =in full, complete

3. Office 관련

take time off =leave of absence / on leave / time away from work 휴가가다, 휴가중
Job openings =job opportunities / vacancies / positions available 구인
seasoned =skilled / experienced / having a lot of experience 경험이 많은
manage =be in charge of / be responsible for / supervise 담당하다
main office =headquarters = head office 본부, 본사
quit =leave 그만두다
project =task / assignment  직무, 과업
income =revenue / earnings 수입 소득
department =division /section (cf. branch / affiliate : 지사) 부서
compensation = payment / benefits / perks / reparation 급여, 보상
colleague =coworker = peer 동료
business day =working day 영업일
transferring =relocating = rearrangement 이동, 재배치
job seeker =job applicant = job hunter 구직자
staff = personnel =employee =representative 직원
firm =corporation =company 회사
fire =dismiss / discharge / lay off / let him go 해고하다
factory =plant, assembly line, production line  공장
career =occupation =profession = job 직업
candidate =applicant / potential, prospective employee 후보자, 지원자

4. Shopping / Restaurant 관련

fabric =textile 직물, 섬유
attire =clothes / garment / outfit / apparel / adornment  복장, 의류
sold out =(go) out of stock / Every ( ) is booked.  / out of ( ) / not available 매진된
estimate = quote 견적서
sale =savings, ~% off, reduced rates/price, mark down, discount 할인
bunch =bundle 묶음, 다발
begin =start / launch / initiate  시작하다, 출시하다
exhibit =display /demonstrate 전시하다
on the house =complimentary / free of charge 무료

5. Meeting, Gathering 관련

postpone =put off / push back / delay 연기하다
cancel =call off 취소하다
register =sign up for / enroll in 등록하다
adjourn =discontinue / recess (회의, 법정) 등을 휴회하다
contact =get in touch with / reach 연락을 취하다
complete =fill out / fill in 채우다, 기입하다
admission =entrance 입장, 입학
organize =arrange 회의 등을 준비하다
insist =maintain / demand 주장하다/ 요구하다
voice =express / declare (견해를) 표명하다
change =switch / alter / reschedule 바꾸다
suggest =recommend / advise / propose 제안하다

6. Tools, Instrument 관련

helmet =hardhat / protective gear 헬멧, 안전모
compartment =division / booth 구획, 칸막이
appliance =machine / equipment 집기, 설비
out of order =on the blink / malfunctioning / technical problem / mechanical problem 고장 난
old-fashioned =out of date / outdated  구식의
latest =top-of-the-line / state-of-the-art / newest 최신식의
inspect =look into / examine/ scrutinize 점검하다, 조사하다
used =secondhand 중고의
install = set up / equip 설치하다
manual =instruction / user's guide 사용 설명서
guarantee =assure, warrant 보장하다

7. Documents, Forms 관련

document = paper / report / files / proposal / agreement 문서
brochure =brooklet / catalog / leaflet / pamphlet 책자
bill =check / tab 청구서, 영수증
go over =review / look over 검토하다
submit =give in / turn in / hand in 제출하다
reject =turn down / refuse / deny 거절하다
investigate = inspect / examine/ look into 조사하다
valid =available / certain / effective 유효한/분명한/효과적인
stack =pile 쌓다
examine =check / look through / inspect 살펴보다
litter = trash / garbage / waste 쓰레기

8. Performances, Entertainment 관련

movie =film 영화
clap =applaud 박수를 치다
book =reserve / arrange a trip / make a reservation 예약하다
compliment =praise / commendation / admiration 찬사, 경의
renowned =celebrated / famous / distinguished 유명한
announce =notify , inform / declare 알리다/ 표명하다
contest = competition 대회, 경쟁

9. Health 관련

heal =care/ remedy/ therapy 치료
exhausted =tired / burn out / worn out 지쳐버린
die =pass away 죽다
cosmetic surgery =plastic surgery 성형수술
pill =tablet, medicine 알약
sick =ill/ not feeling well/ under the weather 아픈
relax =rest / take a rest / take a break  쉬다

10. Transportation 관련

economy class =coach class 비행기 일반석
courier =messenger 택배업자, 배달부
convey = move / carry / transport 운송하다
cargo = freight / shipment / load 화물
unload =remove / discharge (화물을) 내리다
rush hours =traffic congestion / traffic jam / bumper to bumper 혼잡한 시간대

11. Buildings, Facilities 관련

parking lot =parking space / parking area  주차장
stall =stand / booth 진열대, 매점
steps =staircase/ stairs / stairway 계단
corridor =hallway 복도
circulation desk = check-out counter (도서관의) 대출대
renovation =remodeling 건물 개보수
rack =stand 걸이
stationery store = supplies store 문방구
remove =get rid of / eliminate 제거하다
barrier =obstacle / bar 장애물
expand =extend / enlarge 확장하다
12. Financial matters 관련

mortgage =loan 융자, 대출
stock =share 주식
asset =property 자산
overseas =abroad / foreign 해외의, 외국의
reduce =cut / slash / diminish 줄이다
realtor =real estate agent 부동산 중개업자
deposit =put money in 입금하다
exceed =go beyond / run over 초과하다/ 넘치다
fund =money / capital 자금, 자본
depression =recession / slump / downturn 불경기, 경기침체
increase =go up / surge / rise 인상하다, 오르다
expert =specialist / authority 전문가, 권위자
forecast =prediction / projection 예상, 예측
decrease =reduce / decline 감소하다
donation =contribution  기부금
change =coins 잔돈
13. Others

let somebody down =disappoint 실망시키다
inquire =ask / investigate 묻다, 조사하다
alternative =choice / option / plan B 대안, 선택
endure =stand / bear / put up with 참다
come by =stop by / drop by / run by 잠깐 들르다
accomplish =achieve 성취하다
chance =happen to / accidently 우연히 ~하다
bring up  =raise / rear 기르다
notice =perceive / observe / recognize 알아차리다, 인지하다
anticipate =expect 예상하다
let =allow, permit, authorize 허락하다, 내버려 두다
find =locate 찾아내다



(다운받으시면 더 보기 편해요^^)

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