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Gender pay gap

Jeff | 조회 458 | 추천 0
  • 2022.01.19
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
Gender pay gap has been a hot issue nationally as well as globally. 
This inequality is a combination of several factors. 
But the thing is that the subject is one of the triggers of the fight between feminists and antifeminists. 
Some say the relevant statistics are too much simplified without taking account of different conditions such as the number of years of service, disparity of studies purchased by male and female for example, there are more males worker than females in engineering or natural sciences related jobs which are usually well paying. Graduates majoring in humanities are mostly females. 
I heard that in public sector, gender pay gap is rarely showed meanwhile in private sector, salaries are much more personal than in public sector. That's why there is some way to go. 
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