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Islamophobia Prevails

Statistical data collected in recent years show that the cases of hate crimes against Muslims in the U.S. and several other countries increased since the 9/11 attacks. There have been many documented attacks against Muslims like arsons at mosques, verbal and physical abuse towards women wearing the Islamic clothing like hijabs and burqas, and violent attacks towards people who are assumed to have been following the teachings of Islam.

Manifestations of Islamophobia or the unreasonable dislike or prejudice against Islam and Muslims increase every year. Many scholars believe that it may reach its all-time high in the coming years because of U.S. President Trump and the prevalence of prejudice against Muslims in the U.S., Europe, and other countries.

U.S. President Donald Trump is identified by some people as an extremist Islamophobe because of how he dealt with the Muslim community during his campaign period. It can be recalled that one of the plans he had prior to winning the U.S. presidency was to implement a ban on the immigration of Muslims into the U.S. because he claims that the U.S. should first determine and understand the dangers associated with Muslims. “Our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people who believe only in jihad and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” U.S. President Trump said in one of his campaign speeches.

Experts say that Trump’s stance made Muslims fearful of the kind of future they may face if they remain in the U.S. during Trump’s term of office. Experts add that Trump’s standpoint somehow validates and encourages Islamophobia among Americans as well as other countries around the world. Some believe that Trump being in a position of power who shows aversion towards Islam and Muslims may be one major reason for Islamophobia reaching its all-time high in the coming years.

In defense of Trump, his supporters say that the prevalence of Islamophobia does not have anything to do with U.S. President Trump’s view about Islam and Muslims. They claim that the U.S. president is just looking out for the wellbeing and safety of his people. Supporters add that President Trump never endorsed violence and hatred towards Muslims, so it is unfair to blame him for the prevalence and possible intensification of Islamophobia.

Muslims also have different opinions about Islamophobia and the involvement of President Trump in its prevalence in the future. However, most of them plead for the eradication of Islamophobia and hate crimes against them.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. Why do some people say that Islamophobia may increase during President Trump’s term of office?

2. What do Trump’s supporters say about blaming the U.S. president for the prevalence of Islamophobia?

3. Give examples of manifestations of Islamophobia.


prevail 만연하다, 팽배하다

documented 문서로 기록된

arson 방화

prejudice 편견

horrendous 참혹한

standpoint 관점

aversion 혐오감

intensification 강화

plead for 호소하다

eradication 근절

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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