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Telecommuting, also known as telework, is a job condition where employees do not need to commute to work. They can just work from home or from any other place as it is not necessary for them to be physically present at the company’s central place of work.

In the recent years, a significant increase in the number of teleworkers across the globe was observed. People are asked what they think about telecommuting and they give divided comments about it.

People who support telecommuting say that it saves people’s money, time and effort. Being able to work from home may mean that they will not be spending on transportation, office clothing and the like. The money they earn from their jobs may be allotted for more important things like housing, family expenses and other bills.

They add that teleworkers are able to work more efficiently because they are in an environment where they are relaxed and comfortable. Working with others may cause distractions and conflicts. However, if an employee works alone within the comforts of his or her home, the employee can concentrate better and be more productive.

For some people, telecommuting is a new style of working that does not only allow people save a lot and work more efficiently but it also allows people to spend more time with their family and loved ones. Being able to work from home means employees will still be able to perform other obligations like taking care of children or doing housework. These would not be possible if they work in the office.

On the other hand, people who oppose telecommuting say it is a big risk not only for employees but also for the employers. Security may be one of the biggest concerns as not all tasks or transactions may be transferred to an employee’s home computer.

Another is the loss of synergy and teamwork among employees. Since workers stay in their own homes or other places aside from the office, they do not get to consult each other or work together to produce a better output.

There are people who say that telecommuting require a lot of self-discipline and dedication. Employees who do not possess these qualities may be liabilities for their employers. Supervision and evaluation of work may be easier if all employees stay in the same work place.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Debate: Telecommuting

Telecommuting is a new working condition that is becoming more popular all over the world. Some people think it helps employees perform their jobs better while others say it may just cause problems, especially for employers. What is your stance? Do you support telecommuting?

1. It saves the money, time and effort of employees.
2. Telecommuters can work better in a relaxed and comfortable environment.
3. Employees can perform other obligations aside from working.

1. Security may be an issue, especially for employers.
2. There is a loss of synergy and teamwork among employees.
3. Supervision and evaluation of employees may be difficult.


commute 통근하다

allot 돈 등을 할당하다

distraction 집중을 방해하는 것

obligation 의무

possess 소유하다

liability 법적 책임

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