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Tactical Nuclear Weapons, Yay or Nay

The use of nuclear weapons is a hot issue that a lot of people do not agree on. There are people who believe that some nuclear weapons are acceptable. These people say that among all the types of nuclear weapons, it is most acceptable for nations to use tactical nuclear weapons.

Tactical nuclear weapons are those that are used for military purposes. Examples are missiles, landmines, torpedoes, and artillery shells. Tactical nuclear weapons are used in areas of close proximity like military bases and battle fields. They have weaker destructive capabilities, and they are not used to harm civilian residential areas or to wage war.

Supporters of these weapons say that tactical nuclear weapons are necessary defenses that nations should have to deter or intimidate enemies. Having nuclear weapons does not automatically mean that a nation is a threat to international security especially when it only uses a tactical nuclear weapon for protection. Choosing to have tactical nuclear weapons over any other kind of nuclear weapon proves that a nation does not intend to inflict harm or wage a war.

Moreover, supporters say nations should be up-to-date with the kind of weapons they use to protect their people. Totally excluding the use of nuclear weapons puts a nation at a very vulnerable position because other nations are leaning towards the use of nuclear weapons. Tactical nuclear weapons are the most rational and humane kind of nuclear weapons, so it is acceptable to use them.

For supporters, tactical nuclear weapons are effective replacements of statistical nuclear weapons that are being decommissioned because of “New START,” a bilateral treaty on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms agreed upon by the United States of America and Russia.

On the other hand, opponents of tactical nuclear weapons say shifting to weaker or small-scale nuclear weapons does not necessarily uphold the goals of New START. Nations should move towards the elimination of nuclear weapons and not move to using smaller yet equally risky nuclear weapons.

Opponents add that tactical nuclear weapons are expensive investments that may not necessarily serve their intended purpose. These weapons are still in the stage of development, and it may take a lot of time and money before they get perfected. It is better for nations to invest in strengthening its military force than investing in tactical nuclear weapons.

For opponents, regardless of type, nuclear weapons are threats to international diplomacy and peace. Nations should not resort to having them even if they are just meant for self-defense. The idea of possessing such weapons still inculcates fear and insecurity among people.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Tactical nuclear weapons are nuclear weapons that have less destructive capabilities. Some people believe that it is acceptable for nations to have or use such weapons because of different reasons. However, there are people who oppose tactical nuclear weapons, and they also have points to backup their stance. Which side are you on?

1. Tactical nuclear weapons are necessary weapons for self-defense.
2. These weapons allow nations to keep up with the advancements in weaponry.
3. They are good replacements of strategic nuclear weapons.

1. Shifting to small-scale nuclear weapons does not uphold the goals of the New START treaty.
2. Tactical nuclear weapons are expensive investments that may not serve their purpose well.
3. All nuclear weapons threaten international peace and diplomacy.


tactical 전술적인

yay 야호, 만세

nay 아니다, 거부

torpedo 어뢰

civilian 민간인

intimidate 겁을 주다

decommission 해체하다

bilateral 쌍방의

diplomacy 외교

inculcate 주입시키다

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