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Jeff | 조회 628 | 추천 6
  • 2021.03.25
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
Last week, I had lunch with someone I've known through work for a few years .
As our offices are just one block away, we have lunch together from time to time (maybe once or twice times a year).
She is smart and quite nice. But her behavior and the way of talking make me slightly uncomfortable.
As I saw her last week, I greeted her in a enjoyable tone with a big smile but she didn't watch me in the eyes and was nonchalant.
Usually, when you talk with someone, you space your words to assess the reactions of your counterpart or to give him/her a say when needed. But she never let me any moment so that I ask her a quick question or give her reaction words something like that.
Anyway, as the lunch was her treat, I feel an obligqtion to buy her a next lunch. Afterwards, I'll see if I keep mingling with her.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
1174 New year holiday Jeff 631
1173 Baseball Jeff 576
1172 Mistake Jeff 613
1171 Pull-ups Jeff 710
1170 Air quality Jeff 632
1169 Desire for wealth Jeff 622
1168 Embarrassing habit Jeff 634
1167 Hobby Jeff 682
1166 Different taste Jeff 707
1165 English performance Jeff 662
1164 Relationship at work Jeff 707
1163 International rivarlies 2 Jeff 688
1162 International rivarlies 1 Jeff 692
1161 Longer daylight Jeff 685
1160 Good fortune Jeff 565
1159 Name Jeff 510
1158 Medical college Jeff 666
1157 Lunch hour Jeff 679
1156 Money management Jeff 738
1155 Plastic surgery Jeff 768
1154 Remembrance Jeff 642
1153 Coffee Jeff 623
1152 Pet animals Jeff 646
1151 Child abuse Jeff 639
1150 Vaccination Jeff 752
1149 Weird ! [1] Jeff 803
1148 Struck out Jeff 756
1147 Religion [1] Jeff 732
1146 Shopping Jeff 775
1145 Career path [2] Jeff 738

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[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]


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