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Branding in the Entertainment Industry

The entertainment industry is not limited to producing movies that amuse and satisfy an array of audiences. It is a business that needs to earn decent amount of money for it to thrive. For the entertainment industry to continue generating income, it has to implement different marketing strategies which include branding, the process involved in creating a unique image for products of the entertainment industry such as TV shows and movies. Branding makes audiences remember, support, and stay loyal to certain products.

Branding in the entertainment industry includes the creation of remarkable logos, unique themes, specific music genres, catchy slogans, and different kinds of merchandise that will promote a brand’s identity. Branding is said to be effective if audiences can easily recall or memorize a company and its products, if the branding elements are aesthetically pleasing, and if the branding strategies used allow the introduction of new products that are equally marketable as previous ones.

One of the companies that became successful through correct branding strategies is The Walt Disney Company. This multi-national company started out with making animations that targeted very young audiences. Over the years, it added more products and services like live-action films, television shows, collectibles, and theme parks. Disney is easily identified by people of different ages because of its main brand ambassador, Mickey Mouse. Most people would immediately associate two black round ears with Mickey Mouse and Disney, and this makes the promotion of the products released by the company easier and more effective.

Branding also applies to celebrities and other members of the entertainment industry. Actors and actresses can accept product endorsements for certain companies to help promote the image they want to project to the viewers. This is seen as a win-win situation because companies that use celebrities as endorsers can use the fame of celebrities to reach more customers. In the case of celebrities, product endorsement is a way for them to show a different side of themselves that is different from their usual roles in television or film. Product endorsement is also a way for celebrities to become more known in society.

The entertainment industry and the business sector are two facets of society that always come together. Branding strategies help promote and sustain entertainment industry. The future of the entertainment industry highly relies on generating income and getting continued support from audiences, making proper branding strategies very important.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. How does branding apply in the entertainment industry?

2. How did branding help Disney become successful?

3. How can celebrities benefit from branding strategies?


array 무리, 집합체

decent 적절한

thrive 번창하다

catchy 기억하기 쉬운

merchandise 물품, 상품

aesthetically 미적으로, 미학적으로

collectibles 수집 대상물

endorsement 유명인의 상품 홍보

facet 측면, 양상

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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