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How did the Internet affect the entertainment industry? Did the Internet affect it positively or negatively?

Many people believe that the entertainment industry has improved significantly over the course of time. People say that actors and actresses have become more versatile and innovative in portraying the roles given to them. There are also those who say that technology has allowed different kinds of media to be created and delivered in ways that used to be unimaginable. I believe that the increased importance of the Internet in society today helped a lot in improving the entertainment industry. I think that the entertainment industry has also gained many positive changes brought about by the Internet.

First, the Internet allowed faster and easier promotion and distribution of different forms of media. Letting people know about new movies and song releases is not as tedious as it was before because the Internet has created better ways of promotion and distribution.

For example, several websites, like Spotify and Songkick, allow people to listen to songs from famous and up-and-coming artists and inform people about concerts and tour schedules. Some websites even allow people to purchase digital copies of songs, albums, and concert tickets, so there is no need for people to go to physical stores or shops. The same methods are applicable to the promotion and distribution of TV shows and movies. Different websites feature movie trailers, teasers, and other forms of advertisements for the different products of the entertainment industry.

Second, the Internet allowed the people in the entertainment industry to become more learned and skilled in what they do. The Internet allows actors, actresses, singers, directors, and others to easily get feedback from viewers, listeners, and fans. People can use social media sites and other websites to give positive or negative comments about the different kinds of media they get to see or hear. These comments can immediately reach the people concerned, and they can be used as a basis for improvement or change.

All in all, although the Internet has also created some problems for the entertainment industry, such as piracy and illegal distribution, I still believe that looking at things from a wider perspective, the Internet has helped improve the entertainment industry in many ways. The Internet allows the entertainment industry to reach more people, and in turn, change for the better.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. How does the Internet help ease the promotion of the different products of the entertainment industry?

2. How does the Internet help ease the distribution of the different products of the entertainment industry?

3. How does the Internet help improve the entertainment industry?


versatile 다재다능한/ 

innovative 혁신적인/ 

unimaginable 상상할 수 없는/ 

tedious 지루한/ 

up-and-coming 전도유망한/ 

trailer 영화나 TV 프로그램의 예고편/

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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