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Should People Put Religion in the Center of their Lives?

Religion is one of the oldest and most controversial topics for debate anywhere in the world. There are many types of religion. Despite the distinct characteristics that each religion has, all religions have one thing in common which is the belief in, worship of, and submission to a supernatural power in the form of a god or gods.

Mankind’s continuous quest for knowledge and its scientific discoveries and triumphs have changed many people’s attitudes towards religion. For instance, a lot of people have considered turning their backs on it. Some people simply do not believe in a higher power. There are, of course, other people who still put religion in the center of their lives.

Believers of religion say that it is the foundation of people’s belief systems. It serves as a guide to every action and decision they make in life. It also enables people to live harmoniously with human beings and other forms of life.

Second, with the help of religion, people have a more elevated treatment and understanding of the world they live in. Moreover, religion is what distinguishes people from other forms of living things. It keeps people from submitting to their instincts and desires of the flesh.

Third, religion gives meaning to people’s lives. It helps people understand that events in their lives happen for a reason. Knowing that there is a supreme being gives people a sense of purpose and direction in life in preparation for the afterlife. Also, with the help of faith in a supreme being, people go through trials and adversities with strength and determination.

On the other hand, non-believers do not follow any religion because science and modernity are often viewed by many religions as evils of society. Religion can be the very thing that stops a person from aspiring to change the conditions that he or she was born into, believing that a bigger reward awaits in the afterlife. As a result, people who are restricted by their religion become stagnant and sometimes a burden to society.

Second, religion can get in the way of the creation of different laws and policies that aim to alleviate societies from different kinds of suffering. Religion can be something that holds societies back from succeeding and developing with modern times, creating great social divides.

Third, religion is often the source of discrimination, prejudice, and intolerance. It can divide societies which often creates conflicts and wars between people from different religions because of their conflicting or differing philosophies. In worst cases, religion can result in extremism.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Religion is one of the oldest and most controversial topics for debate anywhere in the world. Through the years, people’s attitudes towards religion have changed. Some people remain firm believers while others have abandoned the idea of following a religion. Do you take the side of believers or non-believers? 

Pro Religion 
• Religion is the foundation of people’s belief systems. 
• With the help of religion, people have a more elevated treatment and understanding of the world they live in. 
• Religion gives meaning to people’s lives. 

Against Religion 
• Religion can stop a person from aspiring to change the conditions that he or she was born into. 
• Religion can hold societies back from succeeding and developing with modern times. 
• Religion is often the source of discrimination, prejudices, and intolerance. 


belief 신념

quest 탐색, 탐구

harmoniously 조화롭게, 화목하게

afterlife 내세

stagnant 침체된

alleviate 완화하다

intolerance 용인할 수 없음, 편협함

extremism 극단주의

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