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The Triumph of Indie Films

Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman who had great influence around the world because of his inventions. The light bulb is probably his most known creation. However, he also greatly influenced the growth of the motion picture industry. He established the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC), also known as the Edison Trust, which dominated the production and distribution of films in the American film industry in early 1900s. The Edison Trust also inadvertently gave birth to independent film or independent cinema as a result of the monopoly of the MPPC. Filmmakers who declined to join or were refused membership were referred to as “independent.”

Independent films, also referred to as “indie films,” are distributed by independent entertainment agencies. Today, the film industry in many countries is still dominated by major film studios. Currently, however, independent films have been on their most rapid rise. Not only have they engrossed a wide range of audiences but also attracted aspiring filmmakers who are at a loss against the overwhelming competition in the film industry. Because of the independent film revolution, aspiring talents, writers, and filmmakers no longer need the patronage of major film studios for their work to be recognized.

Independent films are usually characterized by their content, style, and filmmakers’ execution of their artistic vision. They usually focus less on the commercial side of filmmaking and concentrate more on the characters and storylines. In fact, indie films usually become entries in international film festivals such as South Korea’s Jeonju International Film Festival.

Many passionate filmmakers choose the indie film route because of the advantages it holds over mainstream films. For one, filmmakers have freedom of creativity. They do not need to sacrifice the content just to gratify an audience and make it to the box office. Moreover, independent filmmakers often think outside the box. They work hard to produce fresh, creative, original, and unpredictable contents that set their films apart from mainstream productions. Many famous actors and actresses who already established their names in the industry are even eager to play indie film characters. In addition, many celebrities got famous by debuting in indie films.

Indie films have raised the bar in filmmaking. Their mark in the entertainment industry is not only an inspiration to amateur artists but also a force that rivals and challenges the produce of commercial films. This healthy competition between mainstream and indie films only leads to one thing: high-caliber films that audiences can enjoy.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. How did independent films come to be?

2. What are the qualities of independent films?

3. What are their advantages over mainstream films?


inadvertently 의도하지 않게, 무심코

patronage 지원, 후원

raise the bar 기대치를 높이다

produce 생산품

high-caliber 고품질의, 우량의, 뛰어난

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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