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Online Film Censorship

The Central Board of Certification of India filters all new movies before their release. This is to make sure that each film will not feature nudity, violence and other scenes that are offensive to religion and politics. Filtering is also done to distinguish the type of audience that will be allowed to see each film. India’s film regulatory body is strict in implementing all its limitations hence making some film producers resort to under the table transactions and illegal deals just to make their movies pass the standards.

To put a stop to the continuing increase of unlawful acts involving the censorship of Indian films, the regulatory board plans to do the whole censorship process online by 2016. With the use of the Internet, there will no longer be a need for film producers to physically be present at the board’s office to have newly made films reviewed. The online process will be done to promote absolute transparency and lessen the possibility of malpractice and illegal transactions like giving of bribes.

This plan, as seen by an ordinary film lover like me, has its good points and bad points. Using the Internet may expedite the review process of Indian films. The regulatory film body may create a more systematic and efficient system that will hasten film reviews for censorship.

However, this does not address the problem on film producers still making films that feature unwanted content. People’s principles and beliefs may have changed drastically because of the increasing influence of modernization. However, this should not change the fact that all movies should go through a proper process of censorship. The Internet may help ease the process of checking the content of new films produced but it does not solve the bigger problem that film censorship is facing.

Using online film censorship is a good move but it is only a small part of a bigger intervention that needs to be done. Taking advantage of the advancements of technology will add to the quality of service that the Indian film regulatory body can give in reviewing movies for censorship but it is not enough to restore, if not maintain the good quality of the Indian film industry. A bolder plan of action is needed as this may be the groundwork for the improvement of the film industry, not only in India but in other countries as well.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What does the Central Board of Certification of India plan to do by 2016?

2. Why did the Central Board of Certification of India create this plan?

3. What is film censorship?


distinguish 구별하다, 식별하다

unlawful 불법의

transparency 투명성

malpractice 위법 행위

bribe 뇌물

expedite 더 신속히 처리하다

drastically 급격하게, 과감하게

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