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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

What do you think is the most important feature of a TV commercial? What should advertisers focus on to make an effective TV commercial?

Interviewee’s answer:
TV commercials are among the many different parts of the entertainment industry that cannot be controlled by viewers. A series of TV commercials that present different products and services is shown between TV shows. Viewers are made to watch these TV commercials while waiting for their favorite shows and this makes TV commercials an effective advertising tool. However, it is not enough that they are shown at strategic times. There a lot of other factors to be considered in making an effective TV commercial.

While many people would say that the artist used to advertise a certain product is the most important part of a TV commercial, I think it is the storyline or the flow of the TV commercial that makes people remember the product.

For example, the beverage company Coca-Cola is already popular all over the world but it still has TV commercials shown on local TV channels from time to time. The new Coca-Cola TV commercial features the comedians Yoo Jae-Suk and Jung Jun-ha. These men are very popular in the Korean entertainment industry which may be one of the reasons why they were chosen to be in the TV commercial. However, it was not them that made me want to buy a bottle of Coke. The commercial showed Yoo Jae-Suk stuck under a pile of sand during a hot summer day. I was able to relate to the emotion that Yoo Jae-Suk showed after Jung Jun-ha was able to take a gulp of the ice cold soft drink.

All in all, I can say that it takes a good actor or actress to portray the message that a TV commercial wants to bring across to viewers but it still takes a good plot or storyline to make a viewer convinced that he or she wants to avail of the product being advertised. Yoo Jae-suk and Jung Jun-ha were able to render their roles well in the Coca-Cola commercial but the overall presentation of the plot is what makes people want to grab a bottle of Coke.

TV commercials are often very short and compact. Advertisers should use influential personalities for the TV commercials but they should also make the plot very catchy. The commercial must target the viewers in a way that they would want to buy the product as soon as possible because it will satisfy a need or a desire. TV commercials should also be entertaining and fresh so that viewers will remember them and the products they endorse even when they are not watching TV.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. The interviewee explained how TV commercials are effective advertising tools.

2. The interviewee used the new Coca-Cola commercial to emphasize that the plot or storyline of a TV commercial is its most important feature.

3. The interviewee suggested what advertisers can do to make effective TV commercials.


emotion 감정/

plot 플롯, 줄거리/

avail of ~ ~을 활용하다/

compact 소형의, 간편한/

catchy 기억하기 쉬운/

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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