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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

Attack of the Lone Wolf

Terrorism has long been one of the pressing world problems that mankind continually works hard to triumph over. Attacks that inflict harm and destruction are often carried out by people who are driven by various negative motives.

Many terrorists work under a group or a network that has well-planned and coordinated attacks. However, in the recent years, it has been observed that cases of attacks carried out by individuals acting on their own with very little to no connection to terrorist groups have increased especially in Western countries. The term “lone wolf terrorism” is used to refer to such attacks. Lone wolf terrorists commit violent attacks alone without the command and assistance of an organized terrorist group.

Studies discovered that lone wolf terrorism has been very rare up until the early 2000s. The number increased in the 2010s when more independent jihadists and political extremists acted upon their grievances which include personal issues, social alienation, and ghosts of mental illnesses.

Studies also gathered data that revealed that lone wolf terrorists mostly use explosives and firearms during attacks. Some lone wolf terrorists make homemade bombs using everyday household materials, so even extremists with limited resources can still carry out his or her plans. These days, however, more lone wolf terrorists use firearms because of the stricter laws on bombs and the ease of being able to own a gun.

Experts add that the influence of the Internet has contributed a lot to the increase of lone wolf terrorists. The Internet has made it easy for them to get sympathizers that either boost their morale or indirectly encourage them to carry out their attacks. The Internet also gives easy access for copycats who also want to do what lone wolf terrorists do. Individuals get ideas on how they can carry out their plans by studying and analyzing actual footages of attacks that are uploaded on different websites.

Authorities admit that it is difficult to totally put a stop on lone wolf terrorism. Lone wolf terrorists operate on their own, making it difficult for authorities to predict, monitor, and prevent their moves. Some people suggest that filtering information that can be posted on the Internet and having stricter gun laws will help address the world’s problem on lone wolf terrorism. Others say that since lone wolf terrorism is carried out by individuals, mankind’s best approach is to start at home by ensuring that every child receives good child rearing and is surrounded by a loving support system.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. How is lone wolf terrorism different from other kinds of terrorism?

2. Why do many lone wolf terrorists use guns?

3. What role did the Internet play in the increase of lone wolf terrorism attacks?

4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part.


wolf 늑대

motive 동기

grievance 불만

alienation 소외

explosive 폭발물

firearm 화기

sympathizer 동조자

morale 사기

copycat 모방하는 사람

footage 장면

predict 예측하다

rearing 양육

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