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Smartwatches become the Trend

Watches are small devices designed to tell the time. People put them around their wrists. Before mobile phones became popular, watches were important. Many people relied on their watches to know the time, without looking for big clocks in public places or asking other people for the time.

Aside from the basic function of telling the time, watches have also served as accessories and fashion items for both men and women. Luxury watches have been one of the items that many people want to have, making them nice gifts for very special occasions like weddings. A luxury watch shining on the wrist used to be a symbol of one’s social status, especially for men. For this reason, watches worn by celebrities often get media attention, and superstars often advertise high-end watches.

Switzerland is a country well known for producing the finest watches in the world. Several Swiss watch brands are perceived as luxury watches, making the watch industry a major industry for Switzerland.

The growing popularity of smartwatches, however, now has a significant impact on the watch industry especially in Switzerland. Statistics show that in the last quarter of 2015, the number of smartwatches sold exceeded the sales of Swiss watches for the first time.

Led by Apple’s Apple Watch, smartwatches are rapidly becoming popular not only in North America, but also in other parts of the world including Europe and Asia. With improvement in design, smartwatches no longer look like cheap toys for kids, and with advanced technology, they have useful functions that smartphones or portable computers have. These contribute to the growing popularity of smartwatches. Consumers from different countries show their interest in wearing a smartwatch in the near future.

Swiss watch brands see the boom of this wearable gadget as a serious threat to the industry. They are actively preparing measures, such as promotional campaigns targeting the younger generation to counter the declining demand for Swiss watches. Some brands seem to be interested in creating their own smartwatches but the prospects are not quite positive.

Smartwatches may become as popular as smartphones. Someday, people who wear them may be easier to spot than people who wear conventional watches. This new trend in the digital age is now forcing Swiss watch manufacturers to seek new strategies and make new changes to adapt and survive.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What are the functions of conventional watches?

2. What is the new trend that threatens watch manufacturers?

3. How is Switzerland preparing for this new challenge in sales and manufacturing?


wrist 손목/ 

high-end 고급의/ 

quarter 사분기/ 

promotional 홍보의/ 

conventional 종래의/ 

manufacturer 제조사/

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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