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Should the Climate Change be Cause for Concern?

The Earth has changed drastically over the years and it seems the Earth is changing for the worse. One of the growing concerns that is continuously raised and dismissed is climate change. Many scientists credit the change to human activities.

Despite the scientists having reached a scientific consensus, the collective judgment of the community of scientists in a particular field of study, many people still dismiss the seriousness of climate change. This phenomenon is called climate change denial. Conflicting notions of climate change have raised questions about whether climate change should really cause concern. In the U.S., for instance, lawmakers and politicians are divided in opinion about climate change. It has caused a lot of debate between Republicans and Democrats.

Those who say that climate change is real believe that for the past 1,300 years, the changes we are experiencing now has been the most significant. One of the compelling evidences is the rise of the sea level by about 17 centimeters. The rate of the rise of the sea level is nearly double of that of the last century.

Aside from the sea level rising, the globe’s temperature has also risen since 1880. Evidence shows that the Earth’s warmest years have occurred since the 1970s. This is because of the heat-trapping greenhouse gases that are emitted by continuous activities. As a result, the Earth’s weather patterns have also changed.

Lastly, the Earth has experienced many extreme events over the century such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and intense rainfall events that have taken many lives. The overwhelming destructive effects of these disasters are still felt by those were left behind. Scientists expect this to continue for the next decades as the Earth’s temperature still continue to warm.

Some climate change denial groups say that carbon dioxide is only a trace gas in the atmosphere and it is not the culprit for rising temperature. They instead blame water vapor which has been overlooked in many climate models.

Skeptics also add that natural variability such as sunspots and cosmic rays are the perpetrator for climate change, not human activities. These are natural occurrences that will occur and stop even with or without human influence.

Lastly, the climate change denial groups feel that the scientific consensus on climate change is misleading. They also think that climatologists are only motivated by financial interests. They raise unnecessary concern for the public but could not provide solid evidence to support the Earth’s rising temperature.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Debate: Should the Climate Change be Cause for Concern?

Climate Change has become a hot subject among politicians in the U.S. Many scientists think that climate change is brought about by human activities. However, others disagree, saying that it is natural variability that causes climate change. Do you think that climate change should be cause for concern?

1. The sea level has risen rapidly over the years.
2. The Earth’s temperature is getting warmer and warmer since 1880.
3. Many unprecedented disasters have occurred due to climate change.

1. Water vapor, not carbon dioxide, causes the Earth to rise in temperature.
2. Natural variability causes climate change and not human activities.
3. There is no solid evidence that the Earth’s temperature has gone warmer.


drastically 대폭적으로

denial 부인, 부정

compelling 설득력 있는, 강력한

emit 빛이나 소리 등을 내다

destructive 파괴적인

culprit 장본인

consensus 합의

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